The Western Region Section of the Library Association of Ireland will hold their Annual General Meeting on Monday 27th January @ 11.30 am at The Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway
Continuing with its innovative and accessible approach to everything, WRSLAI will also host a virtual meeting room to facilitate access to the meeting for those who cannot travel. You can dial into a virtual meeting room using your internet connection to view shared screen and participants, or dial in with your phone to the number that will be provided.
Please email westernlibraries@gmail.
Opportunity: We are looking for a new officers for this vibrant, small, but busy section of the LAI. We welcome new committee members to the team. Any new officers can work with the existing committee, which consists of our previous Chairs and officers, so guidance will be provided in the positions. We welcome fresh and interesting ideas to this dynamic group and are open to new ways of working.
We look forward to another busy year in 2020. If you would like to join our team, or would like to contribute ideas for networking events please join us.