Tugann Forógra Leabharlainne Poiblí 2022 IFLA-UNESCO nuashonrú ar an
uirlis thábhachtach seo le haghaidh abhcóideachta leabharlainne.
Nuashonraíodh don uair dheireanach é sa bhliain 1994, agus cuireann an
t-eagrán nua seo athruithe sa teicneolaíocht agus sa tsochaí san áireamh
chun a chinntiú go leanann an Forógra ar aghaidh ag léiriú réaltachtaí
agus misean leabharlanna poiblí an lae inniu.
IFLA’s/UNESCO’s public library manifesto 2022 has been translated into
Gaeilge for the first time. The manifesto is an update of the previous
edition from 1994 – an important tool for library activities and
representatives. The new edition takes into account technological and
societal changes so that the manifesto continues to reflect the reality
and mission of public libraries today.
“Freedom, prosperity, social and personal development are fundamental
human values, which can only be achieved by providing citizens with good
information and the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights and
play an active role in the life of society. The active participation of
citizens and democratic development depend on adequate education and
free and unrestricted access to knowledge, thoughts, culture and
The public library as a local knowledge centre is a basic prerequisite
for lifelong learning, an independent position and cultural development
for the individual and for different groups in society. It provides the
basis for sound information societies by providing access to and
enabling the building and sharing of knowledge in all its forms –
including scientific and local knowledge – without commercial,
technological or regulatory barriers.”
Please see the Irish language version here IFLA Repository: IFLA-UNESCO Forógra na Leabharlainne Poiblí 2022